Inspired by your desires

Thousands of Cluj residents told us what they want of their city. Owing to them, RIVUS is now truly a Part of Cluj.
Where the former Carbochim platform used to be a symbol of the city’s industrial strength,
we are now making place for the energy Cluj always had: its people.

Just 15 minutes from the city center, in 1 Mai Square we will have an area that we will revitalize together with the vibrant colors that the community desires, with generous natural spaces adorning the area in green, access to culture and a vibrant social life, and the prospects of a harmonious development that we are all a part of. RIVUS is a story about Cluj-Napoca and its people, about the courage to dream, and the power to create.

Cluj residents asked for an ambitious, sustainable, and future-focused project. We have invested 3 years in distilling the aspirations and expectations of Cluj residents into the largest urban reconversion project in Romania:

  • The most functionally diverse mixed-use project in Romania
  • 165,000 sqm project-wide leasable area
  • Hybrid flagship mall, a mixed-use concept completing the shopping experience with public and leisure services and facilities
  • 400+ stores, including regional and national premieres
  • More than 30 new restaurants and coffee shops overlooking Someș River
  • Fresh Market for local producers
  • A new park and green spaces fitted on more than 52,000 sqm
  • Japanese rooftop garden
  • Live arts center and performance hall
  • Premium green office building
  • Investments in connectivity and alternative mobility

In our vision, the urban reconversion breathes life into a part of the city not only for ourselves, but also for the future generations. RIVUS is the vision of a sustainable future, where the dreams of our successors can grow in harmony.